Create new Cloud PC


Please make sure that you are already a registered user

Please make sure that you are already a registered user. Only registered users have access to the personal account.

1.Creating new remote PC

If you want to create another Cloud PC, go to the "My computers" page and click on the button [Create new computer].


2. Locate the nearest place

The system will automatically determine the nearest place, but you can set the location wherever you want to create your Cloud PC.


If server wasn’t found, you can switch it by yourself using the list of existing server locations.


3. Settings are done

When all settings are set, you can click to [Create new computer]


Before beginning creation your Cloud PC confirm payment


If everything was correct your Cloud PC will begin to be created and you would see the next message.


When your Cloud PC will be ready you would see message about successful creation


4. Wait until the Cloud PC is created

Just a few minutes and your new Cloud PC will be ready.



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