Try now!(web client on Chrome browser)

Description for trial mode of the Cloud PC

Select the "Try free!" option to see how the Cloud PC works using your browser without any installations. Start your trial period using the instructions below.

1. Use to start

Type in the browser address line.

2. Fill in required information

Click on the button [TRY NOW] for the opening registration form


Fill in the email address and password fields for Sixa account, click on the button [SIgn up]


and wait for the confirmation about successfully signing up.


3. Check your email and activate your account

Open the email you signed up with.
Click the activation link within the email.

4. Activation Successfull

In the case of a successful activation you will see the message below:


5. Providing billing information

After activation, you can:

  • provide your billing information, click on the button [Save & Start trial] and fill 3D secure password if it needed for starting Sixa trial period;
  • click on the button [Starting using Sixa without a trial] if you want to start using Sixa without the trial period and go to the Cloud cabinet at once.

6. Trial access to the Cloud PC

Afterr all validations, in your browser Sixa trial will be opened inside your browser.
There are no installations necessary during the trial.


Wait sometime while Sixa trial starts. Then you can use it!


6. Working with the Cloud PC

While working with the Cloud PC, you can click on the image to open it in full screen mode within the browser. In this mode, you can operate the cloud PC just as you would a local computer. The button in the upper right corner of the window has more options available for use.


In this menu you are able to choose one of the options:


7. Ending trial period

SIxa trail will be canceled after 1 hour. Also you can finish it early via the clicking on the button [Complate trial and continue] and confirmation action by the clicking on the button [Confirm]


After this you should satisfy about trial and select needed action:

  • button [Yes] for the starting using Sixa. Hold money will be refiled to your Sixa account;
  • button [No] for the removing your account and refunding blocked funds in 5 days

Thanks for reading!
Enjoy Sixa!


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